Since you are going to see a lot of it, it makes sense to make sure it looks as pretty as it possibly can. Perks like deadly reflection, a fireballer, gold rush, baptized by fire, and many more will keep you entertained for hours. Bonuses or second and third perks can be a bit too strong, as for me, but that you can always adjust in FNVEdit. Big Guns - Framework and Automatic Compatibility. Shogo Heavy Industries Adds a new vendor with advanced weapons and armor based on Japanese design. In other case if you want more light, just use Electro-City. But you will not hear me complaining on this one! The mod deposits the player at one of 95 locations across the world map with a series of weapons and items determined by the history they've chosen. Turbolaser Weapon Pack Laser power! Make sure to install improvement patch as well.

Yukichigai.However, there's no getting around the fact that visually, Fallout: New Vegas is a fossil. Fallout New Vegas: 10 Best Mods You Need To Try

Best Graphics Mods For Fallout: New Vegas (Ranked) Highlight the weapon you want to mod within the items section of your Pip-Boy, then select the modding menu via the button as indicated in the top right of the.